Dr. Maximilian Böger


For Maximilian, it’s not about demonstrating how much he knows, but about ensuring that your audience can relate to or embrace the rapid changes of our time. He is a master at explaining things in a way that everyone can understand, regardless of age or prior knowledge.

Scientific advisor

Maximilian Böger


Unser Speaker Maximilian Böger ist promovierter Betriebswissenschaftler, Experte in Sachen Innovation und Digitalisierung sowie Zukunftsdenker. Wie man Geschäftsmodelle optimiert, transformiert und neue Konzepte ins Leben bringt, stellt Böger auf anschauliche und anregende Weise in seinen Vorträgen dar. Lassen Sie sich begeistern – er weiß, wovon er spricht!

uber max


In his interactive keynotes, he impressively conveys how to change one's perspective on change and technology! Maximilian ensures that your audience broadens their outlook and embraces transformation.
With his engaging storytelling and expert knowledge of change and technology, he brings these topics to a human level, making them relevant to the realities your participants face.
During his doctorate and as a project leader at the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen, he founded the Ecosystem Living Lab and specialised in business model transformation, continuous change, and the associated technologies and trends.
Today, he is an internationally sought-after expert on business model transformation, technologies, and related training in the age of artificial intelligence, particularly active in Germany, Switzerland, and the USA. In his ventures, he lives and tests his own concepts and ideas, constantly reinventing himself. Stagnation is not an option for him as an optimist.

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             Curriculum Vitae

  • Managing Partner of db·p, flound., and Business Model Ideas
  • Guest Professor for Innovation and Strategy, NDU St. Pölten
  • Guest Lecturer at the University of St. Gallen
  • Keynote Speaker (managed by Athenas)
  • Ph.D., University of St. Gallen
  • Certificate in Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of St. Gallen
  • Master’s in International Business, University of Vienna
  • Founder of several start-ups


"BURST the BULLSHIT – Embrace Transformation, Succeed Despite Fear!"

Change your perspective on transformation and technology!

In this motivating and concise keynote, Dr. Maximilian Böger will help you view change and new technological developments, such as artificial intelligence, from a new, simple, and positive perspective.

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He will burst the "bullshit-bingo" bubble and help you identify what is truly important and actionable. It’s never too late to recognise and embrace a trend. Age is no excuse.

For Maximilian, it’s not about showing how much he knows, but about ensuring that your audience can identify with or embrace the rapid changes of our time. He is a master at explaining things in a way that everyone can understand, regardless of age or prior knowledge.

Many employees are frustrated with changes in the workplace, affecting their mental health and performance. For years, we’ve heard a lot about exponential business models, technologies, and the pace of change, causing many employees to give up.

Maximilian will ensure that your audience views change and technology as a future ally, rather than a dangerous monster that takes over their jobs and undermines their professionalism.

Through great examples and his own stories, he will help non-tech experts understand the value and benefits of technologies better than anyone else. He sparks curiosity about the advantages you can immediately achieve as a company and individual.

Although Maximilian is an expert in technology, he is brilliant at explaining things so that even non-tech experts can understand them.
In an interactive way, he will provide your participants with simple tools that will instantly make workflows easier. He motivates them to stop fearing change and instead see the potential and use it to make work and life more efficient and better.

He shows simple tricks that can change their lives immediately – even in daily tasks. Mindset, trends, and technologies influence almost everything in a company: culture, work methods, strategies, human resources, recruitment, remote work, generational conflicts, sales, marketing, communication, and more.

Book Maximilian if you want your audience to expand their perspective and embrace change.

The keynote summarised in three key points:

  • Rethinking technology and change: Dr. Maximilian Böger conveys a
    positive and easily understandable perspective on transformation and
    technological developments that inspire and empower your audience to
    actively embrace change.
  • Motivation through tangible examples: With engaging stories and
    practical tools, Maximilian shows how companies and individuals can
    immediately benefit from new trends and technologies—regardless of
    their prior knowledge.
  • Interactive, concise, and practical: Participants receive concrete tools
    to make workflows more efficient and stop fearing change. Maximilian
    turns technological challenges into opportunities that can be applied
    directly in daily life.

Artificial Intelligence Total – A tangible and interactive keynote on the next revolution

In this fascinating and interactive keynote, Dr Maximilian Böger takes you on a journey through the world of Artificial Intelligence.

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Rather than following the structure of a traditional presentation, Maximilian delivers this in a unique, interactive, and engaging style, demonstrating how AI is fundamentally transforming our work environment, creativity, and decision-making processes. Maximilian has a remarkable ability to make even complex topics such as machine learning and the ethical challenges of AI both accessible and practical.

The keynote highlights how businesses can benefit from current developments and the opportunities AI offers for future-proof business models. Maximilian provides your audience with valuable insights to recognise AI’s potential and apply it in practice. He inspires your audience not only to observe the next technological revolution but to actively shape it.

Maximilian offers a deep yet accessible introduction to the key trends and technologies of AI, ensuring even non-experts can immediately grasp the concepts. This keynote leaves a lasting impression and motivates your audience to embrace the future with AI confidently.

Enquire about Dr Maximilian Böger if you want to inspire your audience with the revolutionary potential of Artificial Intelligence and prepare them for the next stage of digital transformation.

The keynote summarised in three key points:

  • AI made simple and practical: Dr Maximilian Böger clearly explains how Artificial Intelligence is shaping the future of the workplace and business models, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of technical background.
  • Opportunities through Artificial Intelligence: Maximilian presents real-world examples and explains how businesses can fully leverage AI to drive innovation and secure a competitive advantage.
  • Interactive and inspiring: The keynote is dynamic, practical, and highly
    motivating. Participants gain valuable insights into how they can
    actively integrate AI’s revolutionary possibilities into their daily work and
    business strategies.

Netflix yourself before you get kodaked – Transform your business model to secure long-term success

In this inspiring and forward-thinking keynote, Dr Maximilian Böger demonstrates how businesses can reinvent themselves in a world increasingly shaped by digitalisation and rising customer expectations.

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Maximilian compellingly explains why business model transformation is the key to long-term competitiveness and how companies can successfully scale this transformation.

With a clear focus on innovation and customer-centricity, he shows your audience how businesses can adapt to the needs of tomorrow and develop a portfolio of opportunities for the future. Maximilian offers practical examples and tangible strategies that demonstrate how business models can be continuously refined and realigned to avoid the fate of companies that failed to adapt to the digital age.

This keynote is ideal for executives and decision-makers who want to understand how to meet the demands of the digital future by revolutionising business models, innovating within ecosystems, and keeping the customer at the heart of their strategies.

Enquire about Dr Maximilian Böger if you want your audience to understand how business model transformation is the foundation for long-term success in an ever-changing digital landscape.

The keynote summarised in three key points:

  • Business model transformation as a survival strategy: Maximilian demonstrates how businesses can not only survive but thrive in an increasingly digital and demanding world by innovating their business models
  • Meeting the customer needs of tomorrow: He explains how businesses can develop a portfolio of opportunities that align with future customer demands while ensuring sustainable success
  • Practical tools and actionable innovation: Participants will receive practical tools and strategies to make their business models agile and future-proof – an essential roadmap for businesses looking to actively shape the digital transformation.

Tech Trends – Outlook & Relevance

In this keynote, Dr Maximilian Böger provides a comprehensive overview of the latest technological developments, ranging from Artificial Intelligence and humanoid robots to the Metaverse, Web3, and Digital Twins.

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He poses the critical question: Are these trends just hot air, or do they represent real opportunities for your business?

Maximilian helps your audience to identify the genuine potential of these technologies for their industry, while simultaneously cutting through the noise of overhyped buzzwords.

With his clear and practical approach, he explores the origins and relevance of these technologies for economic success, showing how companies can identify the right trends and leverage them sustainably.

Maximilian not only conveys theoretical knowledge but also provides concrete, actionable advice on how to integrate technological developments profitably.
This keynote is ideal for anyone looking to stay informed about current technologies and understand which trends are truly relevant for future success.

Enquire about Dr Maximilian Böger if you want to ensure your audience grasps the latest tech trends, recognises their potential, and makes informed decisions to secure the success of your business.

The keynote summarised in three key points:

  • Clarity on technology: Maximilian breaks down complex trends such as Artificial Intelligence, Web3, humanoid robots, and the Metaverse into easy-to-understand concepts, offering clear insights into their relevance for your business and industry.
  • Opportunities beyond buzzwords: In his critical yet practical presentation, Maximilian helps identify the real opportunities behind the technological hype, explaining which developments can drive future success for your business.
  • Interactive, practical insights: Participants will receive concrete, actionable advice and tools to not only follow technological trends but actively integrate them into their business strategies – providing a distinct competitive edge in the digital world.

Bespoke Keynote – Tailored for Your Business

Dr Maximilian Böger designs a bespoke keynote, customised specifically to meet the needs, challenges, and goals of your business.

Whether you want to explore a specific technology trend or develop a tailored solution for successfully managing change and transformation within your industry, Maximilian brings expert knowledge, practical approaches, and inspiring insights directly to your company.

Enquire about your bespoke keynote with Dr Maximilian Böger to strengthen your business and unlock new perspectives for sustainable change.

The keynote summarised in three key points:

  • Specific industry or business requirements: If you need tailored solutions and in-depth expertise on a particular technology trend or business model.
  • Targeted development of your team: If you want to prepare your employees for upcoming changes and actively enhance their ability to navigate transformation.
  • Exclusive focus on your business strategy: If you're seeking an inspiring keynote that directly addresses the future goals and challenges of your corporate strategy.


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Suzane Giurlando

„Maximilian Böger hat auf unserer Mitgliederversammlung mit seinem Vortrag einen grandiosen Schlusspunkt gesetzt. Das Publikum war restlos begeistert: Mit Charme, Witz und einer besonderen Fähigkeit, Menschen zu fesseln, hat er uns alle mit auf eine inspirierende Reise genommen. Maximilian versteht es meisterhaft, sein Publikum mit einzubeziehen und zum Lachen sowie Nachdenken zu bringen – eine Mischung, die selten so gelungen ist. Seine offene und sympathische Art hat dafür gesorgt, dass die Inhalte nicht nur informativ, sondern auch unterhaltsam präsentiert wurden. Wir können ihn ohne Einschränkung weiterempfehlen und würden ihn jederzeit wieder buchen. Vielen Dank, Maximilian, für diesen gelungenen Abschluss unserer Veranstaltung!“

Andreas Onea

„Maximilian Böger ist einfach unverwechselbar sowie legendär! Neue Trends erklären können viele Speaker. Das Publikum in den Bann ziehen, aufmerksam lenken, mitreißen und auf eine unnachahmliche Art unterhalten kann nur er.“

Veronika Geyer

„Die Energie im Raum war unglaublich gut! Die Keynote von Dr. Maximilian Böger war ein echter Boost für meine Kreativität. So viele neue Tools, mit denen ich meine Projekte noch weiter optimieren kann.“

Edgar K. Geffroy

„Den Abschlussvortrag hielt Dr. Maximilian Böger. Mit 32 Jahren sicherlich eine der Top-Neuentdeckungen in der Speakerszene. Mit seinem Vortrag zur Künstlichen Intelligenz konnte er die Zuhörer begeistern. Eine ideale Ergänzung zum Tag mit inspirierenden Ideen von seiner Seite.“

andreas onea
Helge Sidow

„Ganz besonders gespannt war ich auf Dr. Maximilian Böger, mit dem ich bereits am Vorabend ein inspirierendes Gespräch führen durfte. Abseits allen Fachwissens zu erfahren, dass einige meiner zu bewältigenden Herausforderungen rund ums Unternehmertum gar nicht so individuell sind, wie sie oft scheinen. Und dass auch einer, der längst dort ist, wo ich noch hinwill, diese Herausforderungen kennt - das setzt neue Energie frei.

Ein authentischer, der Mut macht und begeistert. Danke Max - ich freue mich auf unseren weiteren Austausch.“

amanda du
Kerstin Lobner

„Die Keynote von Dr. Maximilian Böger war auf jeden Fall ein Highlight für mich.“

amanda du
Michael Neuhold:

„Wir haben mit Max als Hauptredner für Lenovos größte jährliche Kundenveranstaltung in Österreich zusammengearbeitet. Vor einem Publikum von circa 500 Teilnehmern aus gewerblichen Endkunden (C-Level-Führungskräfte, Tech-Influencer, Entscheidungsträger in der österreichischen IT-Branche) hat Max die ganze Veranstaltung mit einem fantastischen Storytelling-Ansatz auf sehr tiefgründige und humoristische Weise begeistert. Als einer der weltweit angesehensten Experten für Geschäftsmodellinnovation ist er immer eine gute Wahl für dein Unternehmen! Max, du wirst immer wieder gebucht!“

Channel Leader Lenovo Österreich
Markus Zwingel

„Eine sehr beeindruckende Reise durch die Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz hat uns Dr. Maximilian Böger gegeben. Fazit daraus: Gas geben und machen!“

amanda du
Olaf Werner

„Lieber Max, viele Unternehmen in unserer Region WHV-FRI profitieren bereits nachhaltig von deinen Vorträgen und Inhalten - ein echter Mehrwert! Danke!“

amanda du
Barbara Brandstetter

„Highlight war für mich die spannende Keynote von Dr. Maximilian Böger, der erklärte wie Unternehmen Künstliche Intelligenz effektiv nutzen können, um sich zukunftssicher aufzustellen und innovativ zu bleiben.“

amanda du
Magdalena Bachhofner

„Das Unternehmerinnenforum von Frau in der Wirtschaft hat mich gecatcht, vor allem der Vortrag von Dr. Maximilian Böger über Künstliche Intelligenz. Bei MAD NICE arbeiten wir zwar schon eine Weile mit Kl und ChatGPT, aber er hat nochmal richtig gute neue Ansätze gebracht, die mir im Kopf geblieben sind.“

amanda du
Zin Duong:

"Max obviously knows how to captivate his audience. He took us on his very personal journey along his path of ups and downs both businesswise and emotionally. Not only did he reach our entire staff by his humorous, authentic, and instructive way of experience sharing, but he also managed to create courage for the future and the desire for new challenges. Max, you owned the stage ... big time! Thank you for the great moments!"

Head of Marketing & Communication bei Scheuch Group
Christian Roeb

„Maximilian Böger hat uns auf sehr unterhaltsame und persönliche Weise über die Relevanz und den aktuellen Stand von Kl“

amanda du



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